OPJS Library and Reading

Reading and Library is at the centre of the school - it's the beating heart of OPJS!  We are exceptionally proud of our Library and the impact this amazing resource, funded by Pupil Premium, has on all members of the OPJS family.  All children visit our Library at least once a week for 45 minutes as well as have access over break times and lunchtimes to change their books, take part in lunchtime clubs, undertake research or complete their projects. 

We have a vibrant and extensive collection of fiction, picture books, graphic novels, comics, information and reference books. There are also computers, a whiteboard and a bank of Learn Pads that our children thoroughly enjoy using.  There are comfy areas to enjoy a quiet read or share a story, places to work or do some drawing and lots of displays to admire children's work or inspire your reading.

Finally, I work four days a week supporting our eager children to learn as much as possible as well as further their love reading and books!  Follow the links below to search for books, get some reading recommendations or find out what's going on in the Library.

Keep on reading!
Ms Cannadine,
OPJS Librarian.


Do you want to search for books? Do you want to chat about your favourite titles and authors? Maybe get some recommendations? Or just check what you have on loan at the moment? Click on the Reading Cloud link below (children can log in with their library number, or parents can use it without logging in).

What's going on in the Library?

There are lots of different lunchtime clubs - all for free. This term we're running Classic Picture Book Club (Mondays),  Illustrators' Club (Tuesdays) and Book Art Club (Thursdays).

Children also have the chance to become part of the Librarians' Team. This very popular team recruits new members every year. They are trained to help children issue and return books, search for books, make reading suggestions and help create displays.

There are lots of events in school to encourage reading, enjoyment of books and regular use of the Library too - author visits, trips to the Bath Children's Literature Festival, Book at Bedtime, World Book Day celebrations, competitions and regular book fairs.

We all absolutely love reading!

'Share a Story' on World Book Day

'Share a Story' on World Book Day 1'Share a Story' on World Book Day 3
'Share a Story' on World Book Day 4'Share a Story' on World Book Day 5

World Book Day Costumes

World Book Day costumes 2019 1World Book Day costumes 2019 2
World Book Day costumes 2019 3World Book Day costumes 2019 4
World Book Day costumes 2019 5World Book Day costumes 2019 6

Andy Stanton visit for the whole school

Andy Stanton visit for the whole school 1Andy Stanton visit for the whole school 3Andy Stanton visit for the whole school 4Andy Stanton visit for the whole school 5Andy Stanton visit for the whole school 6

Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival

Year 3 met Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve...

Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 1Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 2
...with their new book 'The Legend of Kevin'.
Year 4 performed at a Poetry Slam.
Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 7Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 8Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 9
Year 5 saw Frank Cottrell Boyce.
Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 10Trips to Bath Children's Literature Festival 11

Poetry workshop for Year 4

Poetry workshop for Year 4 1Poetry workshop for Year 4 2Poetry workshop for Year 4 3

Clive Mantle - Author visit for Year 6 and Year 3

Clive Mantle - Author visit for Year 6 and Year 3 1Clive Mantle - Author visit for Year 6 and Year 3 2Clive Mantle - Author visit for Year 6 and Year 3 3

Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye

Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye 1Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye 2
Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye 3Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye 4Author visit for Year 3 and 4 - Rachel Delahaye 5

Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster

Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 1Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 2Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 3Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 4Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 5Patron of Reading visit - Stewart Foster 6
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