OPJS Update

27 March 2020

Afternoon Parents/Carers,

First and foremost I hope that you and your family are safe and sound. It continues to be a challenging time and I do hope that this week has gone well with your child's home learning. On that, we are all learning as we go along so do please let your child's teacher know if you have any questions, queries and any feedback On that, one size doesn't fit all and we're trying to be as consistent and flexible as possible. Quite a task to be fair and fingers crossed we're hitting the spot.

We will continue to provide home learning as is up to the Easter break. However I am going to ask staff to send out practical activities for Easter as I think it important for children to have break from written based activities. These activities may be as simple as making things or, simply, playing outside.

Find attached a letter from Mr Withers (PAT CEO) with regards to provision for key workers over Easter. Please could you spend a mo reading it and if it does apply then please get in touch before 9am on Tuesday 31st March.

Regardless of the challenging circumstances, I hope that you have a good weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Kind regards,
Mr Dave Goucher


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